Andrew Parker

Andrew Parker: Tackling Loneliness as a Social Determinant of Health

Andrew Parker, Founder and CEO of WEB

WEB founder and CEO Andrew Parker challenges us to think about building community in new ways by tackling loneliness as a social determinant of health.

Loneliness as a Health Risk

Loneliness has been linked to a number of health problems, including depression, anxiety, heart disease, and stroke. It can also lead to social isolation, which can further worsen health outcomes.

Parker believes that loneliness is a serious public health problem that needs to be addressed. He is calling on policymakers, community leaders, and individuals to come together to find creative solutions to this issue.

WEB's Work to Combat Loneliness

WEB is a nonprofit organization that works to build community and combat loneliness. The organization offers a variety of programs and services, including:

  • Community gatherings
  • Social support groups
  • Referrals to mental health services

Making a Difference

WEB has been making a difference in the lives of many people. One WEB participant said, "WEB has helped me to feel more connected to my community. I feel like I have a place where I belong."

Another participant said, "WEB has given me the support I need to deal with my loneliness. I am so grateful for this organization."


Andrew Parker is a visionary leader who is working to make a difference in the world. His work to combat loneliness is inspiring and is making a real difference in the lives of many people.

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